About Dani

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Hello, my name is Dani Kendall and I am a senior at Ohio Northern University. In May 2017, I will be graduating with a major in Risk Management and Insurance and a double minor in Statistics and Management. After graduation I plan to attend Law School in hopes of being a corporate attorney one day. I am currently a part of an amaXing sorority - Alpha Xi Delta - which has taken up the majority of my time while on campus. In addition to Greek life, I a also passionate about traveling to different countries and learning about different cultures. I also have an obsession with the following: pink, sparkles, sloths, coffee, coca-cola and Disney (mainly Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, and the Lion King). I am planning to utilize my blog to write about things that interest me over my final sixteen weeks at Ohio Northern University, with the intentions of making new connections. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Do you want more followers? I DON'T.

In the book, Guy Kawasaki stated “There are two kinds of people on social media: those who want more followers and those who are lying”.

This statement truly bugged me because I in fact do not utilize my social media to maximize my followers. After really thinking about this, I was hoping he was referring to organizations and businesses, not just individuals. However, I am not completely sure that is what he is referring too.
Today there are several millennials and even the younger generations who truly care about their followers. I believe this is just a shift in the social media culture all together. But I like to think I am the outlier of the generation.

Looking at my Instagram for example – this is my private life and moments in my life that are meaningful to me. Yes, my profile is private but that is simply because I do not feel that strangers need to have access to creep on these moments in my life. When I receive follow requests, I analyze if I know the person or not. If I do not know that person – I will in fact hide their request and not allow them to follow me. The amount of likes I receive on a picture do not affect the quality of my picture, nor does it take away from the meaning of that moment to me. I know several people who will delete their pictures if they do not receive enough likes on a picture… however I am not one of those people.

I feel that this statement would have been true if I was a business attempting to promote my brand, a service, or a new product. However, I am none of those things. I have always thought if an employer wants to look at me and see my brand then they can go and view my LinkedIn account. My life outside of work ultimately does not have anything to do with my employer – unless I was committing seriously illegal laws, doing drugs, or coming to work intoxicated. However, since I am what I like to call an ethical person I do nothing of that sort.

I could analyze all my social media outlets; however, the same end result would appear for them all - I truly do not want more followers. That is not and never will be my object with my social media platforms when speaking about MYSELF. If someone I just met wishes to follow me on social platform, that’s cool. If not, that’s just as cool.

Disclaimer: I am not judging those who do want more followers because that is your own personal social platforms, I am just stating I do not seek more followers for my social platforms. 


  1. I agree! In middle school, I used to obsess over how many friends I had on Facebook, but now I don't care. Social media, for me, has become more of a virtual scrapbook. I have several private accounts where I can document things going on in my life, so I can look back later and see how far I've come or reminisce. I know the book talks a lot about being a show for people so they can judge if they want to follow you or not. My posts have never been about impressing someone else. I post/share things because they make me happy or smile. Sending out the message that you exist to solely impress other people is not something I'm about. It could be the reason why we have so many self-confidence issues these days. But I guess that's the world we live in, and we just have to deal with it.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts,

  2. I agree with both of you 110%. I have never been really big into social media because I am the type of person that believes it should be more of a personal aspect. I share or post things that I care about, and could quite frankly not care how many likes I receive. My goal is not to impress anyone about anything. My goal is to express who I am. In my opinion the more followers you have the more room for drama and arguments to arise. If an employer is looking to find things about me or my past through my social media, they will not find anything. I am a firm believer in keeping social media clean and also personal. It should be a place to share thoughts or feelings, or things that are important to you. I do not need more followers, I am perfectly fine with actually knowing the people who follow me in real life.

  3. Well, Guy Kawasaki you call you a liar because you don't use social media platforms to gain more followers however, I completely agree with you. I reject more follow request than I accept on my social media platforms. People I do not know try to friend me or follow me and I do not like that. I only want people who I have met in person on my pages. With society changing and all of the crimes happening I think people can hide behind social media. therefore, more followers to me is not something I worry about.
